Monday, January 15, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth - Convenient for Politicians

I saw the film by the name of An Inconvenient Truth a couple days ago, and I must say, it was as I expected. An exceptionally well done film that spoke only facts, and wasn't afraid to say the truth. I recommend it to you all, if you haven't seen it already. Now, even if you don't believe in this global warming, or don't want to see the film*, keep an open-mind and watch it anyway. There isn't anything wrong with having cleaner skies, at the least.

What I have noticed, is that Global Warming is a large topic among the politicians. Especially our unbeloved** Conservative party. They speak, pledge, and promise to do something, but really, its just an empty promise meant to ease our hearts and sink us back into a false sense of security once again. At least that's how I perceive it. Don't take everything I say at face value. Think about it first, and then believe every word I say... or rather, type.

Back to the point. They give us empty promises, and do nothing about it. I notice that a lot of people keep saying that they know that no one can change the world alone, that we should just wait for the government to change it, but the thing they don't understand is that every movement starts small, be it with one person or one hundred, these notions start small, and grow as more people become aware. Sitting around, waiting for others to change things won't get you anywhere. Since the others are sitting around as well!

Hrm, which is why I'm going to do some digging in my community and find out what I can do. If I'm to have a voice, I need to act.

Well, I daresay I've gotten quite off topic. Hm, no matter. My post is at an end.

*Bollocks. Believe in it, and do something, or you'll regret your decision fifty years later. If you're not six feet under, that is.

**Yes, I know I made a word up. Live with it!


Mike -- AM V^_^V said...

Politicians and Global Warming...two weird ingredients for a dandy eggnog. It seems that the entire weather pattern has been skewed, if you ask me.

Global Warming is man-made. Don't believe me? We create pollutants. Those pollutants enter the atmosphere. They are held within the atmosphere. Next thing you know, BAM! One day, it is a sauna. The next, another Ice Age. That is one of the many destructive powers of humans.

Depressing, isn't it?

Yugi's hair is crazy because he uses Loreal, but he is not worth it, so the card-obsessed midget must die!

mist1 said...

I keep thinking about having Netflix send me this one, but I'm shallow and I like comedies. Any good comedic moments in this one?

Lyze said...

Hm... Comedic moments... comedic moments...

Well, there may be some black humour, but...


Watch it anyway. Or no more dental floss for you.

Mike -- AM V^_^V said...

If there is politics in the movie, then maybe there will be political correctness?

Since you like the movie, however, I doubt it will have such retardedness. I bet seriousness plays a huge aspect in the movie.

The Weasleys are a bunch of rednecks! Ron is dating Ginny behind Harry's back!