Hmph. So, I promised myself that I wouldn't take another one of those 'blogthings', but boredom ... I tell you, it has to be the #1 cause of crime, misery, and procreation... My life is uninteresting, but unfortunately, due to the amount of people with media information and an internet connection, almost all of the major topics to blog about have... been blogged about, by other people. I should update my links though. [Insert Interesting Topic Here] Yes, that's right. It's a joke. Hah...
Your Personality is Very Rare (INTJ) |
Your personality type is logical, uncompromising, independent, and nonconformist. Only about 3% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 4% of all men. You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. |
Here it is. I find it amusing actually, that they could determine all of that from... seven questions? Hmph. Everyone is different. No matter what they say... Some are just more different than others. Moving on, it seems that the Fates are against my vengeance, for the team that won by dishonourable cheating three or four weeks back... has avoided us playing them. Twice! At least I've gotten my new Telecaster, so I can play out my emotions on beautiful, warm sounding notes... I'm finally prepared to throw my crappy old Squier Strat off the roof.
Cooome to the daaarkside! Liiivejournal haaas coookieees!
(Also, I can't remember the last time I actually came within spitting distance of blogger.)
Interestin' post, man, especially on the personality bit. Right now, my personality is...non-clarifying and too relaxed to give a damn about anything. Except politics. What the hell is the P.M. thinking, dividing power by Eastern, Central, and Western? A CENTRAL government is the way to go, Prime Minister Harper, you conservative S.O.B.
If you didn't know, I'm a Liberal.
Anyway, I'm trying to get some publicity for my blog. Check it out if ya want!
And Emily, I remember seeing that quote on a fourm, and it went like this:
"Come to the darkside. We got cookies!"
RANDOM QUOTE: If someone is annoying you, it takes 48 muscles to frown, but it only takes about 4 muscles to bitch-slap that motherf**ker upside the head.
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